Moslanka Study Abroad

Make Your Choice for the Preferred University

Choosing the ideal higher education institute is a pivotal decision that can shape the trajectory of your future

Applyboard Partnered Universities
Applyboard Partnered Colleges
Campus Direct Partnered Universities
Campus Direct Partnered Colleges
Direct Partnered Universities
Applyboard Partnered Universities
Campus Direct Partnered Universities
Campus Direct Partnered Colleges
Return Home with Global Recognition
At Moslanka, we're proud to be the exclusive recruitment partner for one of the world's most prestigious medical universities ranked in the top 1,000 globally.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

With the Parliament of Sri Lanka approving the recent Medical Amendment Bill, these top-ranked institutions are now fully recognized, enabling the graduates to return to Sri Lanka and work as a specialist doctor-including roles such as surgeons, dentists, pediatricians, and psychiatrists, without any complications or hurdles.


Your degree will open doors to practice medicine globally, providing you with a seamless transition into your medical career.


Join a program that not only equips you with world-class education but also ensures your qualifications are valued wherever you choose to practice.